China Rejects US Help, Says Trump

President Donald Trump said that the United States has taken decisive action in order to protect Americans from 2019 novel coronavirus while offering assistance to China.

Yet, according to a key adviser, Beijing rejected the offers of assistance from the United States.

Photo from Leah Millis, Reuters

President Donald Trump said in an interview with Fox television that the United States has “shut down” the 2019 novel coronavirus threat. Trump also said that the United States “can’t have thousands of people coming in who may have this (2019 novel coronavirus) problem” as the US officials had offered China “tremendous help” in dealing with the 2019-nCoV epidemic.

In a separate interview, Robert O’Brien, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, said that China has been more open about the 2019 novel coronavirus than it has been in previous crises, yet had not accepted offers of assistance from the United States.

Robert added that Beijing has still not responded to US offers of assistance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He said that the United States wanted “to help our Chinese colleagues if we can and we’ve made the offer and we’ll see if they accept the offer.”

According to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have not been invited in China, yet were in Kazakhstan in order to help guard against the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus. Chad Wolf, US Homeland Security acting secretary, said that the overall risk to the American public remained low.

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