Authorities Confirm First Case of Coronavirus in Finland
FIRST CASE OF CORONAVIRUS IN FINLAND – The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare confirmed the 1st case of the 2019 novel coronavirus in the country.
More and more cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus are adding to the records everyday. It was in December 2019 when the said contagious disease started to infect a lot of people in China.
The novel coronavirus was first recorded in Wuhan City. Reportedly, its signs are similar to flu which includes fever, shortness of breath, and cough. The incubation period is two (2) weeks or fourteen (14) days.
Currently, China is suffering from an outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus. At least five (5) thousand people are infected now and more than 160 individuals died because of nCoV.

The 2019 novel coronavirus which is rampant in China now have already reached several other countries. There were confirmed cases in Japan, France, Hong Kong, and the United States already.
Recently, another country confirmed to have such case. Based on a report on ABS-CBN News, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare confirmed the first case of coronavirus in Finland.
According to the report, the patient is now being isolated in a central hospital in Lapland in the northern part of the country. In the statement, it is stated that 15 other people are being monitored now for possible exposure to the host.
As of this writing, there are still no further information regarding the matter. More updates may be posted soon.