Chiz Escudero on Proposed Timeline for Sara Duterte Impeachment Trial: “Not Set on Stone”

Chiz Escudero, Sara Duterte

Senate Pres. Chiz Escudero Speaks on VP Sara Duterte’s Impeachment Trial Schedule CHIZ ESCUDERO – The Senate President said that the proposed timeline for the impeachment trial of Vice Pres. Sara Duterte needs the approval of the senators. The proposed schedule for the impeachment trial of Vice Pres. Sara Duterte which was recently released by … Read more

Baste Duterte on VP Sara’s Impeachment Issue: “We are ready to fight them”

Baste Duterte, Sara Duterte

Davao Mayor Baste Duterte Confident VP Sara Will Get Through Impeachment Issue BASTE DUTERTE – The Davao City Mayor spoke about the impeachment issue involving his sister, Vice President Sara Duterte. The attention of countless people across the Philippines was hooked by the upcoming impeachment trial of Vice Pres. Sara Duterte. The House of Representatives … Read more