KC Concepcion received Silver Play Button from YouTube
Actress KC Concepcion recently took to social media as she shared that she finally received her Silver Play Button from YouTube.
This, after she previously announced on her Instagram account that she successfully hit 100,000 subscribers on YouTube.

It was last September when she shared that her YouTube channel had successfully reached 100,000 subscribers.
She then extended her appreciation to her supporters and fans and said that she’s touched and super pleased to be doing life with her fans and followers by sharing what she knew and also shared about learning and discovering things with each other “one video at a time”.
As of this writing, she had over 196,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.
READ ALSO: KC Concepcion Hits 100,000 YouTube Subscribers
As she summarized what she did this year, KC shared in her Instagram post that she traveled to Singapore, Vienna, Geneva, and France, learned how to cook new dishes and whip up some cocktails through “Kitchen Collabs” and “Casa Kristina”, got some beauty and wardrobe hacks through “KC’s Closet”, and got to look through her personal collections at home.
After three months, KC finally received her Silver Play Button and thanked her fans and supporters for experiencing life with her “one video at a time”.
“Cheers to more adventures in 2021!” KC said in her Instagram post.
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