Woman Files Complaint Against Boyfriend For Not Proposing After 8 Years

Woman Files Complaint Against Boyfriend After Failing To Propose After 8 Years

WOMAN FILES COMPLAINT AGAINST BOYFRIEND – Dating is a complicated thing for most people, but what happens if you’ve dated for almost a decade?

Surely, most of your friends and family would ask the question “When’s the wedding?”. Meanwhile, a frustrated girlfriend asked this question to her boyfriend of eight years and decided to take him to court.

Gertrude Ngoma and Herbert Salaliki had been dating for almost a decade. Throughout their relationship, Ngoma said that Salaliki promised he would eventually marry her.

Woman Files Complaint Against Boyfriend For Not Proposing After 8 Years
Image from: DiazHub

However, as the years went by, “eventually” started to get longer and longer. Because of his, Ngoma “eventually” got fed up with the promises and decided to sue her boyfriend.

In court, Ngoma demanded that her boyfriend outline his plans for their future. According to an article from Ladbible, the 28-year-old bride told a Zambian court that she feels like Salaliki wasn’t taking their relationship seriously.

He has never been serious, that is why I bought him to court because I deserve to know the way forward and our future“, said Ngoma.

The couple already have a child together and had already procured a dowry payment. Unfortunately, Salaliki said he doesn’t have enough financial security to afford a wedding.

Meanwhile, according to the boyfriend, he hasn’t been receiving the love and affection he thought he deserved. Furthermore, he says that it’s one of the reasons why he has been holding back his proposal.

But, as far as the court is concerned, the couple should reconcile their issues for now. Additionally, the Zambian court emphasized that they couldn’t do much as the two still aren’t married.

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