Pres. Bongbong Marcos Congratulates Presumptive U.S. Pres. Donald Trump
BONGBONG MARCOS – The Philippine President shared in his congratulatory message to Donald Trump that he has met him as a young man.
The United States recently held its 2024 Presidential Elections. Former U.S. Pres. Donald Trump and incumbent Vice Pres. Kamala Harries vied tightly for the presidency. He ran as the bet of the Republicans while she carried the Democrats’ flag.

The counting of votes is ongoing but Trump has already reached the 270 electoral votes needed to clinched on the presidency. He swept off Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania with Wisconsin closing the total electoral votes needed for his victory.

The win of Donald Trump in the 2024 Presidential Elections will make him both the 45th and 47th president of the United States of America. His looming victory was sealed after U.S. Vice Pres. Kamala Harris called to concede in the race and congratulated him.
Several leaders of other nations have also called to Trump to congratulate him for winning the 2024 U.S. Elections. Among them are Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and French President Emmanuel Macron. Philippine Pres. Bongbong Marcos also extended a congratulatory message for Donald Trump.

In his statement, Philippine Pres. Bongbong Marcos said that Trump has won and the Americans have triumphed. He expressed his congratulations to Trump and the Americans in an exercise that showed “the strength of American values”.
Marcos Jr. said that he looks forward to working with Trump on a wide range of issues that will lead to mutual benefits for the Philippines and the United States “with deep ties, shared beliefs, a common vision, and a long history of working together”.
Pres. Bongbong Marcos also expressed his hope that the alliance between the two (2) countries will bring prosperity on both sides of the Pacific. He stressed that PH and US are both founded on the ideals of democracy and freedom.
The Philippine Chief Executive also shared that he has met Donald Trump as a young man. In the statement, he expressed his confidence on his leadership among the Americans.