Why Do We Give Gifts Every Christmas?

Here’s the reason why do we give gifts every Christmas

WHY DO WE GIVE GIFTS EVERY CHRISTMAS? – This article will teach you about the importance of gift giving every Christmas.

Christmas has been the most wonderful time of the year as it’s the perfect time to celebrate emotions, love, as well as give presents. Giving gifts to other people has been a tradition every Christmas.

But what is the reason why do we give gifts every Christmas?

Why Do We Give Gifts Every Christmas
Photo source: CEAT

Among the main reasons why we have the custom of giving and receiving gifts every Christmas is to remind us of the gifts given to Jesus by the 3 Wise Men: Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh.

Every year close to the supposed date of Jesus’s birth, one offered gifts to other people in order to reminisce this particular event.

There are many different stories about the history of gift giving.

In a pagan origin, many of the ancestors hold a holiday to honor God every time it snows, especially around Christmas, and it includes an exchange of gifts that is usually from the chief to his servant. It is also believed that the habit of giving a Christmas tree came from the Christian holiday every Christmas in order to commemorate the transition of pagans to the new religion.

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The story of gift giving every Christmas also has its roots into the story of St. Nicholas, who is a wealthy Christian who became a priest and gave his wealth to the poor after his parents’ passing. St. Nicholas is the figure that inspired the famous Santa Claus who secretly comes at night and brings gifts to children every Christmas.

However, in the present times, the gesture of giving and receiving gifts every Christmas is not a simple cultural or a religious tradition anymore, as it is a whole ritual that has a grand positive effect in one’s psychology.

But still, gift giving is a way to show love and appreciation to one’s family and friends.

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