Spend A Fortune Meaning & Sentence Examples

Spend A Fortune Definition, Sentence Examples

SPEND A FORTUNE MEANING – Find out what spend a fortune really means. Example sentences of this idiomatic expression can also be found here.

The origin of this idiom can be found in the early 20th-century invention of fortune cookies. These cookies have a piece of paper hidden inside of them.

These included gifts, raffles, unique greetings, etc. The idiom spending money equivalent to those big prizes and lottery is to cost a fortune can be simply related from here.


Spend A Fortune Meaning:

  • a large sum of money
  • spend a lot of money on something
  • to make a sizable donation
  • something incredibly costly
  • everything that is expensive
  • cost an absolute fortune

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Photo Source: iStock

Here are examples of sentences that use spend a fortune:

  1. People pay a fortune to own a Lamborghini car.
  2. A month in Japan costs a fortune.
  3. Rey spends a small fortune to look charming and cool.
  4. I spent a fortune to get a car for my wife.

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