Chinese Defense Ministry Says “Patience is Limited” on South China Sea Issue with PH

Amid South China Sea Issue, Chinese Defense Ministry Gives Statement on PH

Chinese Defense Ministry said that it is committed to managing the differences with the Philippines on the South China Sea issue but its patience has limits.

In the Philippines, one of the national issues that has gathered different reactions is the country’s territorial dispute with China. PH is in a long-standing rivalry with the Chinese government on the claims of some parts of the South China Sea.

Chinese Defense Ministry on South China Sea
Photo from CBS News

Both high-profile individuals and ordinary citizens have reacted to the territorial dispute between PH and China. It has even reached the Arbitral Tribunal which released its verdict on the matter in 2016.

China Coast Guard
Photo from The New York Times

In 2016, the Arbitral Ruling sided the Philippines on its territorial dispute with China. However, the Chinese government did not recognize the said ruling even for once. If it has ever commented on it, it said that the ruling is null and void.

China continues to asserts its claims on the disputed island. Truth be told that the tension between China and the Philippines have heightened in the recent months. The United States Department of Defense even sees the possibility that the ramming incident in the West Philippine Sea will get worse.

Several Philippine government officials have spoken on the territorial dispute between the two (2) countries. Many are concerned on the welfare of the fishermen who earn a living from fishing in the disputed areas. President Bongbong Marcos previously stressed that the country will continue to stand firm on its rights over the disputed areas.

In the case of Vice Pres. Sara Duterte, she explained her silence on the West Philippine Sea issue. She mentioned the President’s role why she does not speak on the matter.

Bongbong Marcos
Photo from

Last August 25, an incident between the Philippines and China took place at the Sabina Shoal. The PH South China Sea task force said that Chinese vessels rammed and used water cannons against the ship of the Bureau of Fisheries that was there to bring food, medical supplies, and fuel to the Filipino fisherfolks.

Chinese Defense Ministry
Screengrabbed from Reuters

Based on a report on ABS-CBN News, China is pushing for its claims on nearly all of the South China Sea now. Amid the escalating tension between China and the Philippines, the Chinese Defense Ministry released a statement.

Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesperson Wu Qian said that “the Philippines has repeatedly sent maritime police vessels to attempt to intrude Xianbin Jiao” since August 19. He was referring to the Sabina Shoal where recent incidents have taken place. China accused PH of ramming Chinese vessels in an allegedly dangerous manner.

“China is committed to properly managing differences through dialogue and consultation, but patience is limited,” the Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesperson said.

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