Young-Looking Man Often Mistaken as Teenager Although He’s 35

35-Year-Old Young-Looking Man Reveals Secret Behind Look

A young looking 35-year-old man, Brandon Miles May, is often mistaken as a teenager because of his youthful look which is a result of her lifestyle.

A lot of people don’t look like their age. There are those who look older than their age because of stress and several factors. There are also those who look younger than their age. One of them is Brandon Miles May.

Young-Looking Man

Brandon Miles May is a content creator in Detroit, Michigan in the United States. He also owns a medical communications business. Among the contents that he shared in social media are about his unique lifestyle which is the cause of his youthful look.

Brandon Miles May

According to Brandon, he was only 13 years old when he started in his pursuit to stay young looking. Since he was 13, he does not stay long under the sun. He would even wear a black hoodie and some protective covering in his hands when he will go out.

Young-Looking Man

With regards to his diet, the young-looking man also eats only fish, fruits, and plant-based food. He also loves to drink green tea and avoids lentils, sweet foods, as well as foods that are rich in carbohydrates since he was 19 years old.

Brandon Miles May also proudly shared that he has no vices and he is also not into intense workouts. According to him, too much exercise can cause stress to the body and cause it to age. Meanwhile, he also do some gentle and moderate physical exercises like walking, some strength training, and yoga.

Man Looking Young

Currently, the young-looking man is 35 years old but he is often mistaken as a teenager. He believes that he looks better now than he did when he was 25 years old. According to him, he feels both physically and emotionally young.

Brandon stressed that part of feeling young is looking young. According to him, he is exerting all those efforts to maintain his health and not for the pursuit of living long. Meanwhile, he also eat chocolates. The young-looking man eats chocolate everyday but he chooses those which are 92% to 100% cacao.


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