Woman Invited To Wedding w/ Unique Role, Must Pay For Own Food

Reddit User Woman Shares Unexpected Experience When She Received Invitation

WOMAN – A 50-year-old Reddit user claimed that she was invited to a wedding with a unique role aside from having to pay for her own food.

Are you one of the people who love weddings? There are countless individuals who are into weddings. It is a celebration of love, happiness, and also a perfect time to bond with families and friends. One of the people who love wedding celebration is Reddit user “EdenCapwell”.

Photo from ThoughtCo

However, one wedding invitation has brought a different set of feelings for Reddit user “EdenCapwell”. According to the woman, she was given a unique role at the wedding of her best friend’s daughter that left her feeling angry, sad, and disappointed.

Woman Opening Wedding Invitation
Photo from Silk & Ink Designs

According to the woman, she was happy to see a wedding invitation left at her mailbox for her and her husband. She described the invitation to be a beautiful card that she immediately posted in her fridge. She was teary-eyed while smiling because of the joy for new beginnings.


After posting the card on the fridge, she read the note that fell from the invitation. The Reddit user was surprised to know, through the small note, her unique role at the wedding of her best friend’s daughter. It is stated that she will be in a room with a few female invitees to babysit the kids of the other guests.

The woman has to stay in the said room in the church the entire ceremony while her husband can watch the wedding ceremony. Despite that her role is to babysit the kids of the other guests, she has to wear a dress in case she gets captured in the photos.

Furthermore, the Reddit user claimed that she and her husband have to pay $100.00 each for their food at the wedding — although she has to eat it in front of the kids of the other guests based on her role. They need to pay for their meal when they confirm their attendance to the wedding through the RSVP which, according to the woman, also has a fee as set by the website used for it.

The Reddit user revealed that aside from being aged 50, she is disabled so she cannot really stop the kids from falling or choking if she is the one who will babysit them. She expressed that she is angry, sad, and disappointed over the unique role given to her at the wedding. Here’s her post:

Reddit User Claim

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