Ruffa Gutierrez Mourns Death of Sister-in-Law Alexa

Sisster-in-Law of Ruffa Gutierrez, Alexa, Dies at 38

RUFFA GUTIERREZ – The actress-beauty queen is currently mourning the death of her sister-in-law, Alexa Uichico-Gutierrez, the wife of her brother Elvis.

Since January, Ruffa has been constantly seeking prayers for the recovery of her sister-in-law, Alexandra Joelle or more publicly known as “Alexa”. She was battling leukemia then.

Elvis and Alexa Gutierrez

Alexandra Joelle Uichico-Gutierrez is the wife of Elvis Gutierrez, one of the sons of Eddie Gutierrez, the Philippines’ Elvis Presley, and Annabelle Rama. It was in 2015 when Alexa and Elvis officially tied the knot after several years of being together.

Elvis and Alexa Gutierrez

The relationship and marriage of Elvis and Alexa were blessed with the lives of their two daughters, Aria, 9 years old, and Ezra, 7 years old. However, an unexpected happening shook the lives of Elvis’ family.

Elvis Gutierrez Family
Elvis Gutierrez and Alexa Gutierrez, Kids

Shortly after their recent Christmas and New Year trip in Japan, Alexa Gutierrez was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a health condition characterized by the overproduction of the WBC or the White Bloood Cells compared with the Red Blood Cells or RBC.

For a few months since January 2024, Ruffa Gutierrez was asking prayers for Alexa Gutierrez. However, recently, what the actress-beauty queen shared on social media saddened countless people — the wife of Elvis died.

Ruffa Gutierrez, Alexa Gutierrez

Alexa is survived by her loving husband, Elvis, and their two daughters. In a tribute message that Ruffa Gutierrez has shared on social media as she announced the death of her sister-in-law, the wife of Elvis was described as an epitomy of “aspirations, igniting motivation, and resilience in everyone she encountered”.

Based on the post, it was last January 27, 2024 when Alexa Uichico-Gutierrez died. In another post, Ruffa Gutierrez admitted that she is still trying to process and accept that her sister-in-law is no longer with them. According to her, words cannot express how heartbroken and shocked she is.

Ruffa also expressed her love for Alexa whom she tagged as beautiful and irreplaceable. According to her, she will forever live in her heart and thoughts until they meet again. Here’s the post of the actress-beauty queen:

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