Heart Evangelista Strict Stepmother To Chiz Escudero’s Children?

Heart Evangelista Speaks on being a Stepmother to Children of Senate Pres. Chiz Escudero

HEART EVANGELISTA – The actress-fashion icon admitted that she is a strict stepmother to the children of her husband, Senate President Chiz Escudero.

One of the most popular celebrities in the Philippines is Heart. Aside from being an actress, she is a fashion icon not only in the country but as well as abroad. The 39-year-old actress is married to Senate President Chiz Escudero.

Heart Evangelista and Chiz Escudero

When Heart and Chiz officially tied the knot in 2015, the politician already has children. He has twins, Joaquin and Chesi, from his previous marriage. It was the late former Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago who was the matchmaker of the couple.

The wedding of Heart and Chiz was held at the exclusive Balesin Island. It was a star-studded wedding that gathered the famous personalities in the Philippine showbiz industry and politics in a grand event.

heart evangelista chiz escudero wedding
Photo Credit: Cosmo

In her previous interviews. Heart admitted that it took her some time to adjust to the reality of living with kids. She recalled hearing them run around the house which is something she’s not used to until she got married.

Meanwhile, visibly, Heart was able to build a good relationship with the children of Senate Pres. Chiz Escudero. In fact, when she recently attended her first prom, it was her actress stepmother who helped Chesi prepare for her first prom.

Heart Evangelista who is now the head of the Senate Spouses Foundation after her husband, Sen. Chiz Escudero, sat as the Senate President, recently spoke on being a stepmother to Joaquin and Chesi. Based on a report on ABS-CBN News, she admitted to being a strict stepmom to Chiz’s twin children.

Chiz Escudero, Heart Evangelista Family

According to Heart, between her and Chiz, she is stricter with regards to the curfew and other reminders. She admitted that she is more “OC” when it comes to time as she would often ask them what time they will be home.

“Ako yung mas mahigpit nang slight, ako yung mas OC pagdating sa time. Anong oras ka uuwi? I’m very, very protective,” the actress said.

Based on the report, Heart Evangelista and Senate Pres. Chiz Escudero was asked if Chesi has any plans of entering the showbiz industry. The celebrity couple firmly asserted “No” as the answer.

Heart is now devoting her time leading the Senate Spouses Foundation aside from being a wife and a stepmother. She promised that her public service through the SSF will be from her heart.

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