Dates for the Holy Week 2024 Celebrations
HOLY WEEK 2024 SCHEDULE – Here is a guide on the date set for the Lenten season in the Philippines this year.
One of the countries across the globe that greatly observes the Lenten season is the Philippines. Many Filipinos observe fasting, prayers, and attend many church activities during the season which is a commemoration of many highlights in the Bible.

Lent commemorates the 40-day fasting of the Lord Jesus Christ leading to suffering and death in the Cross. These important events in the spiritual life of countless Christians are observed during the Holy Week which happens once a year.

For the Holy Week 2024 schedule, here is a guide for the Christians:
Ash Wednesday — February 14, 2024
The first day of the Lenten Season is the Ash Wednesday which, for this year, falls on the same date that the Valentine’s Day is celebrated annually — the 14th day fo February. Countless people go to church to attend masses and have ashes masked by the priests and pastors on their forehead.
The Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the 40-day period to the Holy Thursday. Some people start fasting, almsgiving, and reciting Holy Week prayers since the first day of the Lenten Season.
Palm Sunday — March 24, 2024
This is the commemoration of the event when Jesus Christ was greeted by crowd upon his arrival in Jerusalem. They had palm branches as they cried “Hosanna” which means “Save, Please!”. To celebrate this day, a lot of people attend church masses with palm branches which the priests bless with Holy Water.
Holy Monday — March 25, 2024
The observance of the Holy Monday highlights the teachings and purifications of Jesus Christ. There are a lot of activities done at the church leading up to the Easter Sunday.
Holy Tuesday — March 26, 2024
This day is a continued commemoration of the teachings of Jesus Christ at the temple in Jerusalem. The Son of God continued His teachings even amid a clash with the religious officials of the temple.
Holy Wednesday — March 27, 2024
This is the day when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ for the deceiving of the ecclesiastical establishment is remembered. He betrayed the Son of God in exchange of silvers.
Holy Thursday — March 28, 2024
For the Holy Week 2024 schedule, the Holy Thursday falls on the 28th day of March and it is intended for the commemoration of the Last Supper of the Son of God with His disciples. During Catholic church masses, the Blessed Sacrament is transferred to the altar of rest and there is washing of feet of the disciples by the priests.
Good Friday — March 29, 2024
This day is one of the most painful for countless people as it commemorates the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ. On the other side, it also commemorates the triumph of the Son of God who fulfilled the will of the Father.
Holy Saturday — March 30, 2024
Also called the Black Saturday, it is the day of grieving and prayers as the Son of God died. Meanwhile, it is also a day leading to the resurrection and Jesus Christ meeting His mother, Mary, once again.