Trivia about the Human Body Most People Are Actually Not Aware Of

List of Trivia about the Human Body You Might Be Surprised To Know

TRIVIA ABOUT THE HUMAN BODY – Listed here are surprising facts about the body that remain mysteries to a huge part of the global populace.

Undeniably, while we may know ourselves a lot when it comes to the emotional aspect, there are a lot of things about the human body that are beyond our awareness. Meanwhile, it is completely understandable but it would be fun to know some trivia about the human body.

Facts about the Human Body
Photo Credit: ProProfs

The number of the human hair varies. Some people’s pores may be more visible. Others really have double chins. However, there are these body organs that bear unique and surprising features that are present in most people. Below, you can find some trivia about the human body that many people yet to know.

Trivia about the Human Body
Photo Credit: Asthetiklab
  • The left lung and the right lung don’t have the same size. The one is the left side is much smaller at around 10% compared with the right lung.
  • The human brain can only survive up to six (6) minutes once there is no more supply of oxygen.
  • In an average life span, a human heart has beaten more than three (3) billion times.
  • Also one of the trivia about the human body is that the mouth produces one (1) liter of saliva every day.
  • Up to seven (7) bars of soap can be made out of the fats that are present in an average body size.
  • In the nerves, the information actually zooms along at around 400 kilometers per hour.
  • With regards to the performance of the brain when the person is sleeping and when the person is awake, it is more active when the person is sleeping.
  • When the small intestine is extended, it can be taller than the person as it can reach up to 23 feet.
  • Out of the total bones in the body which can reach 300, 1/4 of the total bones are found in the feet.
  • Scientists believe that the human nose can detect more than a trillion different scents.
  • The human height stops growing at the puberty stage but the nose and ears actually continue to lengthen.
  • There are organs inside the human body that come in pair but the body can actually survive even with just one of these organs working properly.
  • The human teeth can be as strong as the shark’s teeth.
  • Also one of the trivia about the human body is that when you are listening to music, the heart can beat in synchrony with what you are listening to.
  • More than 100,000 miles of blood vessels are actually present inside the human body.
  • The bones inside the humans can reduce from 300 to 206 in the entire lifespan.

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