Here what you need to know about bid prices and ask prices on Maya Stocks
MAYA STOCKS PRICES – This article will teach you about the differences between a bid price and an ask price.
A Maya Stocks is an investment product that lets you trade stocks or shares of companies listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) with the help of a stockbroker licensed by the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
You can use bid price and ask price as basis for stock transaction. But what do bid price and ask price mean?

Bid price
The bid price is used as the basis for your stock sale transactions on Maya Stocks. When you want to sell your stocks, you can look at the prices under the Bid.
Ask price
The ask price is used as the basis for stock purchase transactions on Maya’s investment product. You look at the prices under the Ask when you want to buy stocks.
Keep in mind that there are corresponding fees for using Maya’s investment product: the broker fees that are charged by your broker every time you trade your stocks in your account with them; and platform fees that are charged depending on which broker you maintain your account with.
You may also visit: Maya Stocks Fees – What Are Corresponding Fees For Using Maya Stocks?
When it comes to limit orders, your stock orders are processed by inputting limit orders.
Limit orders require you to input a specific price and share amount so the order can be processed by your broker. In addition, limit orders are only executed if the set target price is reached.
There’s no holding period for stock trading using Maya’s investment product as investors like you are free to buy or sell shares of stock if the market is open and they have adequate funds.