Here’s the list of terms that you need to know before investing in Maya Funds
MAYA FUNDS – This article will teach you about the terms you need to know before investing in a fund product.
One of the features that are available for upgraded Maya users is “Maya Funds”. It lets you invest in fund products Mutual Funds (MFs) and Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs).
You need to know the terms used in this feature before investing in Mutual Funds (MFs) and Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs).

Below is the list of terms that you need to know before investing in a fund product:
Declaration of Trust (DOT). It is a legal document containing the rules and regulations on how a fund product is operated by the fund manager. Also, it contains the investment objectives, management fees, minimum investment requirements, and other important operational details of the fund.
Key Investment and Information Disclosure Statement (KIIDS). It is a marketing document containing all relevant information about the fund product. The investment objective, performance, and fees of the fund are all documented in the KIIDS.
Risk Disclosure Statement (RDS). It is an official document containing all relevant risks involved in investing in the fund product. By agreeing to this, you confirm that you fully understand, acknowledge, and agree to all possible risks that come with investing in the fund product.
Participating Trust Agreement (PTA). It is an official document signifying your acceptance to the terms and conditions of investing in the fund product. Also, it documents your official investment to the fund product.
Investment Cost. It shows how much you have paid for your investments on average.
Net Asset Value Per Unit (NAVPU). It is the price of each unit of the fund. Also, it is used as the price to calculate for the allocation whenever an investor books a Redemption (Sell) or Subscription (Buy) Transaction.
Market Value. It is the latest value of the investments based on the latest NAVPU/price in the market and on your existing unit balances.
Unrealized Gain/Loss. It shows the total profit/loss of your investments based on the latest NAVPU/price of your investment holdings and on the investment cost.
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