Maxene Magalona Gets Asked About Her Thoughts On Motherhood

Maxene Magalona: “Someone asked me about my thoughts on motherhood”

MAXENE MAGALONA – The actress recently responded to a netizen when she was asked about her thoughts on motherhood.

She posted a photo of herself on her social media account, as well as her response to @mishyang’s comment where the latter asked the actress about her thoughts on motherhood and dealing with kids.

The actress said in the caption that she decided to share her answer in her post so that those who don’t have kids yet or even first-time moms can read her post and try her method of parenting if it resonates with them.

Maxene Magalona
Photo: Maxene Magalona / Instagram

In response to @mishyang’s “thought-provoking” question to her, Maxene said that she doesn’t have kids but she would like to have “just one” when God feels like it’s time for her to have a child.

Maxene admitted that she actually doesn’t want to have a child anymore, but she had to sit with herself as she matured and she also asked her soul if she truly wanted to have one.

According to her, the reasons why she doesn’t want to have a child is that she certainly doesn’t want to bring another soul into the world unconsciously and she doesn’t want to have one just because other people are doing it.

I choose to move at my own pace,” she said. “When I meditated on it, I realized that I would like a child for the sole purpose of passing on what I learned in my journey and also make the child feel the kind of love and energy that I offer. So that they can also pass it on to the future generations.

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The actress also said that she may not have a child yet, but she believes that there’s no formula for parenting.

She went on to end her response by saying that the best way for her to be a parent is to “be super conscious” so she can work on herself every day and to be present and emotionally connected to her child.

Maxene then thanked @mishyang for her “thought-provoking” question to her.

Prior to this, she said in one of her social media posts that the toxic trait that she still has is her inability to gracefully accept constructive criticism. According to her, she realized that she hate being scolded or being told that she did something wrong.

I immediately flare up, get defensive and explode with anger. It’s so unattractive and extremely low vibrational,” she said in a post last June 3.

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