Kris Bernal On “Final Stretch” Of Her Pregnancy

Kris Bernal: “Can’t believe I’m in the final stretch of my pregnancy”

KRIS BERNAL – The actress and content creator recently shared that she’s in the “final stretch” of her pregnancy.

Actress Kris Bernal and her husband Perry Choi got married in 2021, announced last March that they’re expecting their first child, and revealed last April that they’re expecting a baby girl.

Kris gave her followers an update about her pregnancy — from having an ultrasound to showing off her growing baby bump.

Kris Bernal

The actress posted a video where she had an ultrasound as she wanted to see the face of her baby girl. She shared that she can’t believe that she’s in the “final stretch” of her pregnancy.

According to her, she’s so close to meeting the human she created for 9 long months.

Can’t believe I’m in the final stretch of my pregnancy and I’m so close to meeting the human I created for nine long months!” she said. “God created the womanly body so that she may conceive and grow a child! What an incredible privilege!

READ ALSO: Kris Bernal Shows Struggles Pregnant Women Face During Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

In a separate post, the actress said she was told that it would be challenging to see the face of her baby at 35 weeks because the child is “probably already hidden by his or her hands”.

However, she said that the Sonographer and Dra. Ruchie tried their hardest in order to get the best photos of the baby.

Kris Bernal
Kris Bernal / Instagram Stories

Kris also shared that it’s such a reassurance and special gift to see her baby in 4D, adding that they took the time to let her and her husband look at their baby as much as they wanted.

In her recent post on Instagram Stories, she said that she’s 36 weeks pregnant.

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