Dry Run Meaning & Sentence Examples

Dry Run Definition, Sentence Examples

DRY RUN MEANING – Find out what dry run really means. Example sentences of this idiomatic expression can also be found here.

This idiom was first printed in the United States in 1941 in the Gettysburg Times. The phrase has been used for a longer period of time, which gives context to the actual (performance).

During the early 1800s, there were streams in North America and the United States that would flood during the rainy season but dry up in the summer. The addition of the word run to dry only indicated that it meant “route.” The United States is another source of this theory when the fire service would do “dry” rather than “wet” rehearsals in which water was not used.


Dry Run Meaning:

  • a run-through before the actual performance
  • Used in the context of performances as well as business speak for testing something out before launching it.

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Here are examples of sentences that use dry run:

  1. After several dry runs, Harold was ready to give the speech.
  2. The students did a dry run of the experiment.
  3. We have to do a dry run of the project tomorrow to make sure everything runs like butter on the event day.

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