Cut From The Same Cloth Meaning & Sentence Examples

Cut From The Same Cloth Definition, Sentence Examples

CUT FROM THE SAME CLOTH MEANING – Find out what cut from the same cloth really means. Example sentences of this idiomatic expression can also be found here.

It was created in the middle of the 15th century. The fabric used to make clothing at that period was commonly woven from cotton, wool, or linen. After the fabric was woven, it was divided into lengths called bolts, which could then be cut and sewn into various garments.

Two people were said to be “cut from the same cloth” if the fabric used to manufacture their clothing originated from the same bolt of fabric. As a result, they were said to have comparable attributes. The cloth stood in for the shared traits, upbringing, or temperament that united these people.


Cut From The Same Cloth Meaning:

  • share similar ideals or values.
  • demonstrate a temperament that fits.
  • share similar qualities
  • stem from a common background
  • were influenced by a shared experience
  • work or think in parallel
  • a shared set of beliefs

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Photo Source: Idiom Land – Tumblr

Here are examples of sentences that use cut from the same cloth:

  1. Our fathers were cut from the same cloth.
  2. A group is never truly united until its members discover they were cut from the same cloth.
  3. American critics are all cut from the same cloth
  4. After years of researching together, we realized we were cut from the same cloth and shared many of the same hopes, beliefs, and values.

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