Blind Spot Meaning & Sentence Examples

Blind Spot Definition, Sentence Examples

BLIND SPOT MEANING – Find out what blind spot really means. Example sentences of this idiomatic expression can also be found here.

The idiom “blind spot” refers to a region on a map that is obscured by a higher landmark, such as a mountain, and has its roots in both the literal and figurative connotations of the word “blind.” It may also relate to a lack of awareness of a problem within oneself.

 This can be used to indicate the cause of another person’s failure, although it is typically used in connection to some form of restricting behavior or mindset.

Blind Spot Meaning:

  • You cannot accept or comprehend something if you have a blind spot regarding it.
  • a topic one is uninformed or biased about
  • a situation when one doesn’t use judgment or discrimination
  • an area of a field that cannot be viewed or observed using current technology
  • the portion of the road that a car driver cannot see, not even in the rearview mirror
  • the retina’s sensitivity to the light site of entry for the optic nerve (medical)

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Photo Source: HerCareer

Here are examples of sentences that use blind spot:

  1. Gerald said languages are his blind spot, he always fumbled at French and English.
  2. Danny’s inability to feel any empathy for his co-workers was a blind spot that cost him his promotion.
  3. I had no idea that I was being so critical until my wife called me out on my blind spot.
  4. Patrick always seems to have a blind spot when it comes to women; he can’t seem to see the red flags until it’s too late.

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