Blind Alley Meaning & Sentence Examples

Blind Alley Definition, Sentence Examples

BLIND ALLEY MEANING – Find out what blind alley really means. Example sentences of this idiomatic expression can also be found here.

The idiom “blind alley” first appeared in the 17th century. Its original meaning of a literal dead end or cul-de-sac has since changed to mean any activity or situation that is hopeless.

The phrase is still often used in both written and spoken English today. It can be used to describe any circumstance that lacks a clear resolution or a route out. A metaphorical blind alley can also be used to depict a person’s life or a certain course of activity that will result in nothing.

The phrase “blind alley” serves as a gentle reminder to consider the context, our decisions, and their effects. It may serve as inspiration to steer clear of mistakes and succeed. The expression probably got its literal meaning from an alley with no exits, making anyone who enters it impossible to figure out how to get out.

The same concept is symbolically used to describe a person’s life or an action that will have no effect. This expression serves as a reminder to be aware of the environment and prevent getting caught in a challenging situation with no way out.

Blind Alley Meaning:

  • a dead end.
  • a road, street, or alley that has a closed end.
  • a tactic or approach that, at first look, seems beneficial but does not provide the outcomes that were anticipated.
  • a situation with little prospect of advancement or achievement.

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Here are examples of sentences that use blind alley:

  1. It seems like no matter what I do, it just leads me down a blind alley.
  2. That line of reasoning will only lead you up another blind alley.
  3. I keep telling Manny to stop chasing after Lila. He’s just going up a blind alley!
  4. The Internet has proved a blind alley for many companies.

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