Today’s Exchange Rate Of Euro to Philippine Peso
EURO TO PHILIPPINE PESO — Here is the exchange rate between the Euros and the Philippine Peso today, July 19, 2022.
Most Filipinos chose to live or work outside the Philippines as they want to earn a sustainable income and to also have a more comfortable and better life.
Even though the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) has granted a wage hike to some regions in the Philippines, there are several countries that have a promising exchange rate of their currencies with the Philippine Peso.
With this, Filipinos chose to live or work abroad to help their families in the Philippines by sending remittances.
ABS-CBN News reported last July 14 that the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) announced a surprise hike of 75 basis points in its benchmark rate in order to tame rising inflation, bringing the overnight reverse repurchase rate to 3.25 percent.

Pinoys from Europe are sending money to their family or loved ones in the Philippines, while Filipinos from the Philippines are receiving regular remittances from a family member or a loved one living or working in Europe.
EUR-PHP rate matters to you regardless of whether you are a receiver of money from a family member or a loved one in Europe or a sender of remittances to your family or loved ones. You can have your EUR converted to PHP through money exchange services and financial institutions.
The Philippines’ financial institutions offer money exchange rate services during weekdays — including Asia United Bank (AUB). Here is the Euro to Philippine Peso exchange rate for today, July 19, 2022:
1 Euro (EUR) to Philippine Peso (PHP)
- Buying: 56.3806
- Selling: 57.8433
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