This is the Basic Competency on Local Treasury Exam BCLTE Exam Result April 2022 List of Passers.
BASIC COMPETENCY ON LOCAL TREASURY EXAM BCLTE RESULT APRIL 2022 — This is the list of passers as released by the Civil Service Commission (CSC).
The exam results including the list of passers, top 10 passers, and other announcements related to this will be posted on this website once CSC will release it.
CSC conducted the Basic Competency on Local Treasury Examination on April 24, 2022, at testing centers in Metro Manila, CAR, CARAGA, BARMM, and all regional testing centers in the country.

- Fire Officer Examination FOE List of Passers
- Penology Officer Examination POE List of Passers
- Foreign Service Officer FSO List of Passers
Here is the list of passers:
Civil Service Commission NCR
Civil Service Commission CAR
Civil Service Commission CARAGA
Civil Service Commission Region 1
Civil Service Commission Region 2
Civil Service Commission Region 3
Civil Service Commission Region 4
Civil Service Commission Region 5
Civil Service Commission Region 6
Civil Service Commission Region 8
Civil Service Commission Region 10
Civil Service Commission Region 12
- General Ability (Verbal; Analytical; Leadership and Management; RA 6713)
- Specialized/ Technical Area (Mobilization of Resources; Management of Local Treasury Services; Safekeeping of Local Funds and Records; Preparation and Analysis of Treasury and Non-Treasury Related Reports; Coordinating and Communicating Local Treasury Matters with Stakeholders; Management of Other PFM Areas; Management of Inter-Government and Other Fund Transfers)
The April 2022 Civil Service Exam CSE Result For FOE, POE, BCLTE, and FSO is expected to be released within forty (40) days after the examination.
The exam result may be released by the CSC earlier or later than the target date without prior notice.
Examinees shall obtain at least 80.00% general rating to pass the examination. Just visit this website regularly or refresh the page for further updates and information.