Here is the Chemical Engineer Board Exam Result October 2021 Top Performing Schools
This is the Chemical Engineer Board Exam Result October 2021 top performing schools as released by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
The exam result including the list of passers, top 10 passers, top performing and performance of schools, and other announcements related to this will be posted on this website once PRC will release it.
PRC conducted the licensure examination on October 2-4, 2021 at testing centers in Metro Manila, Baguio, Cagayan De Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legazpi, and Lucena.

PRC Board of Chemical Engineering Chairman Engr. Ofelia V. Bulaong and members Engr. Jeffrey G. Mijares and Engr. Cyd P. Aguilera administered the board examinations.
Here are the top performing schools:
- Physical and Chemical Principles — general inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemical engineering and environmental engineering
- Chemical Engineering Principles — chemical engineering calculations, chemical engineering thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, unit operations, chemical process industries, plant design and instrumentation and process control
- General Engineering, Ethics and Contracts — mathematics, physics, engineering mechanics, strength of materials, engineering economics, and laws, contracts and ethics
PRC is expected to release the exam result within 2 working days after the last day of the examination.
The exam result may be released by the PRC earlier or later than the target date without prior notice.