A personal doctor of Pope Francis died due to coronavirus complication, according to a report.
The personal doctor of Pope Francis had died due to complications from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), according to a report.

Quoting Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) said that Dr. Fabrizio Soccorsi — a personal doctor of Pope Francis — was being treated for an “oncological pathology” when he died at Gemelli Hospital in Rome.
In a reort on Catholic News Agency, Soccorsi traveled with Pope Francis on his international trips as the pope’s personal physician.
According to a report, the Pope laid two bunches of white roses before the statue of the Virgin Mary for Soccorsi’s daughter during his visit to Fatima in Portugal last May 2017.
Italy was one of the countries most severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The Vatican itself had seen a number of coronavirus infections.
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As per the report, two Vatican cardinals had tested positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) last December — including a cardinal who spent most of his time helping Rome’s homeless.
Four members of the Swiss Guards, a colorfully-dressed personal protection force of Pope Francis, had also tested positive for coronavirus disease last October.
In March last year, a person who lived in the same Vatican residence as the Pope had tested positive for COVID-19 and was hospitalized.
The Vatican announced that it would start its COVID-19 inoculation campaign with health workers and the elderly to receive COVID-19 vaccines from the second half of January 2021.
Pope Francis had said that he would get vaccinated against COVID-19 himself next week when the Vatican would start its vaccination campaign.
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