Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas, who was known for his musical performances in “Spartacus” and “Paths of Glory,” died Wednesday. He was 103 years old.
The tragic news about his passing was confirmed by his son Michael Douglas, who was an Oscar-winning actor and filmmaker.

In a statement posted on his Facebook account, Michael Douglas said that it was “with tremendous sadness” that he and his brothers announced about Kirk’s passing.
Director Steven Spielberg said that Kirk retained his “movie-star charisma right to the end.”
Kirk Douglas was survived by Anne Buydens and his three sons. His fourth son, Eric, died in 2004 due to drug overdose.
Michael Douglas, Kirk’s son, praised his “commitment to justice and the causes he believed in” which “set a standard for all of us to aspire.” He added that his life was “well-lived” and he left a legacy in the film that will endure for future generations.
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